2023 Bundilla Ram Sale Results
288 Rams sold to average $2584. Both Top price rams $7000 to Stan & Suzanne Hall Tenterden WA.
288 Rams sold to average $2584. Both Top price rams $7000 to Stan & Suzanne Hall Tenterden WA.
301 Rams sold to average $3900. The $18000 top price ram was sold to Stan & Suzanne Hall, Tenterden WA. 74 registered buyers travelled from five states.
313 Rams sold. Average price $4767. Top price $16000 to CW Mattiske & Co. 85 repeat & new registered buyers from five states.
Last December we sold 600 surplus Ewe Hoggets for an outstanding Australian Record price of $415 per head through AuctionPlus (sold in 2 lots). These Ewes went to a new client at Binda & were joined to Bundilla Rams with an impressive scanning result of 160% as maidens. PHOTO: Jill Baldwin, Angus McHatton (RLA) &…
295 rams out of 300 offered for a clearance of 98 per cent, average of $3789 and top of $11,000, which was reached twice (photo)